Monday, April 19, 2010

Having trouble trying to decide what to read next?

Do you have trouble finding what to read next? Have you read everything by your favorite author? Did you lose your to be read list? Do you know what the next book is in your favorite series? The following websites can help with all these issues and so much more:

LibraryThing: LibraryThing is an online application where you can keep track of the books you own, the books you want to read and/or the books you want to read. It is easy to sign up--all you need to do is create a username and password. The personal account is free until you've entered more then 200 items into your library. For each item in LibraryThing, users have created tags to describe the item and even written reviews. Some people even call LibraryThing a social network for book lovers. LibraryThing includes no advertisements, but uses bookstores like and AbeBooks for book information along with the Library of Congress.

GoodReads: GoodReads is a social network for readers. GoodReads' mission is to get people excited about reading. To sign up for GoodReads you must have an email address, but after that you are in and can start adding books to your shelf. GoodReads accounts are free, but there is advertisements on the site. GoodReads is specifically designed to keep track of the books you are reading or want to read. It allows friends to connect and recommend books to one another. You can also create book lists. GoodReads also connects with bookstores like and Barnes& in order access book information.

Shelfari: Shelfari is also a social network for book lovers. Signing up for Shelfari does require an email address. Shelfari is free and allows readers to connect with friends and join groups to explore your reading interests. Shelfari is owned by

Other Library Websites: Other library websites are great places to find books to read. Many libraries create book lists and have book reviews written by staff and sometimes even users. Here are a few to take a look at

Check these out! Let us know what you like and what you don't like. If you have a favorite book/reading website share it with us in the comments. The Fauxbrary is looking for ideas to expand its services to YOU!

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